The caregiver in you knows the calling to constantly react to the needs and expectations in others. We also know the toll this takes on trying to meet our own needs. Unfortunately, the people pleaser inside grows to silently accept the sacrifices, but in response, you feel frustrated, exhausted, depleted, bitter, resentful, and irritable. Feeling stuck and powerless, you lose sight of options and may begin criticizing yourself, finding it difficult to navigate through the situation on your own.

So, why is it so hard to simply ask for help? From our earliest age, we are socialized to ignore or bury our feelings. Resisting, reacting, avoiding, and pretending become our response to our feelings, especially the negative ones. This learned habitual way of thinking becomes all we know, making us feel helpless and hopeless. Although making this change in thinking is hard, it is not IMPOSSIBLE!

Fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt begin to rule, limiting our sense of control. Fear of judgment, making mistakes, imperfection, change, and loneliness makes us hostage to our situations. Standing in the face of fear and choosing to take action is when growth and development occurs. Circumstances are not what keep us stuck, it’s the way we think about these challenges.

We need to begin with focusing on the relationship you have with yourself. This relationship will be reflected in all other relationships. Emotions are our indicators of what we are holding inside. Learning new ways to listen and manage your emotions while maintaining self-compassion is the groundwork that will lead to designing the life you desire and deserve. Be assured, a new chapter almost certainly awaits with every step you take.


Sessions will focus on evaluating your current state of wellness and devising a tailored plan to align with your individual goals and objectives.

Individuals often encounter challenges in achieving overall well-being. I am committed to collaborating closely with you to recognize and address your specific concerns while facilitating a journey towards improved wellness.

Achieving an empowered sense of self requires action. I will guide you toward helpful practices such as increased self-awareness, developing an understanding of how thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are connected, and learning to make choices that support the results you want.