With everything that has happened to you, you can feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.
— Wayne Dyer


If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to just get down to business, so let’s skip the fluff and dive straight in. I bring over three decades of experience to share, yup, that’s a lot of years, only to show that just like you, I am along for the ride in figuring out this thing we call life. Although there aren’t many certainties in life, I know we can all agree it can be filled with both the greatest blessings and the most difficult challenges. Like you, one of these challenges brings to mind the plate spinner on stage who is constantly moving from one plate to the other, trying to keep things from crashing down. The many roles I served became my spinning plates - daughter, sister, mother, friend, caregiver, significant other, therapist, employee, and coach. Notice what’s missing? MYSELF! I NEVER LISTED MYSELF! This was, past tense, a CHOICE I single-handedly made, over and over again. So, what’s changed?

You know that saying, when one door closes, well it honestly took the sound of three doors slamming shut from the loss of three very significant people before I recognized myself as someone other than “The People Pleaser”. Forced to face three very different types of grief, it was time to open some of the other doors. This is how 3 Red Birds came to life. If grief was ever to be described as a blessing in disguise, this was that time. It took this long to learn it was okay to prioritize ME! No, I’m not at all claiming to be a victim of anything or anyone who kept me from being my own person. I silently, yet willingly, stepped into all the other roles without even realizing I had lost who I was and what I know I was meant to be.

So, I’m not sure if you caught the connection or not, but that’s the symbolism behind 3 Red Birds. Each bird represents the cherished lessons learned from the pivotal, life-changing loss of my father, mother, and brother. Prior to each loss, I had allowed myself to believe that circumstances and the expectations of others were what kept me from prioritizing myself. I have since learned we are all a constant work in progress, facing obstacles and challenges on a daily basis. I can only hope that when you’re ready, you’ll accept my invite to share how to tap into the power that comes from within, choosing awareness over avoidance so you can stop missing out on the life and opportunities you want.


  • You’ve already got what it takes, so let’s start digging in to get to all that buried potential for self-directed learning and personal growth.

  • Say it with me, “I’ve got skills and I’m not afraid to use ‘em!” You will learn to see your circumstances and experiences in a whole different way using five key components.

  • The sound of silence will teach you so much on increased self-awareness. When awareness is high, avoidance is low and that’s when the magic happens!

  • If it’s results you want, you’ll learn to evaluate your values and belief system to challenge what’s not working.

  • Comfort and familiarity aren’t always our friends. Learn to step into the darkness so you can face your fears and self-doubt and shine the light on your strengths and courage.

  • No, it’s not selfish to nurture your own needs! Learning new strategies to put yourself first will pave the way for a life filled with the results you want.

  • Shift your thinking to see how you can use every challenge as a stepping stone toward growth.

  • Are you ready to take the gloves off and stop beating yourself up? It’s your time to learn the skills to live with awareness, authenticity, integrity, acceptance, nonjudgment, accountability, courage, curiosity, and gratitude!